Nearly everyone reading this blog is very lucky financially. Even if they see many near them that are even luckier they are still financially fortunate.
I believe those of us who are lucky have an obligation to share with those that are not as fortunate. Many people are happy to help out more than they are already, but they need encouragement.
Two of the big challenges are to appeal to them in a captivating way (person connection are good – photos and videos help a great deal) and trustworthy opportunities. Sadly a significant issue is people seeing how willing people are to part with their money to help others and they figure they can get that money by just saying it will help others and then doing nothing, or very little for others (and keeping the cash for themselves).
So trustworthy appeals that engage happy to help both benefit those receiving funds and those giving funds.
I have long used TrickleUp, Kiva and Global Giving to help (and they each do a good job of engaging donors (tugging on their heartstrings and making them happy to give).
I try to give back to the places I visit. So I integrate this into my digital nomad life. As with many digital nomads I have an affinity for entrepreneurs and my charity often focuses on helping them (Global Giving does other things too – such as providing clean water, electricity, education and training…).
Trickle Up provides grants to entrepreneurs and provides significant training, support and a network of like minded people. Kiva is more well known and provides loans to entrepreneurs.
Related: Giving More Than Money to Charity – Funding Entrepreneurs in Nicaragua, Ghana, Viet Nam, Togo and Tanzania – Financial Thanksgiving
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